
The Creator


Michael White

CEO - Creator of AusIDentities

Michael is a coach, trainer and a speaker, and is also the creator of AusIDentities, this colourful, engaging and uniquely Australia approach to personality profiling that was first launched in 2005. While the original concept was developed for use with disengaged and at risk teenagers and High School Students, AusIDentities has since been adapted for use with people of all ages, and from all walks of life, from the classroom to the boardroom, and is widely used in organisations, and with teams and leaders.

In fact, since the inception of AusIDentities, Michael has been kept rather busy travelling around most states in Australia, delivering workshops and seminars to over 250 schools, and a number of organisations, helping literally thousands of people to improve the quality of their personal and professional lives through improved self-awareness. He is the author of several books on the subject of personality, and has also created a broad range of colourful resources to support the implementation of the program. 

Michael  is in regular demand as a guest and key-note speaker, and he is known for his entertaining and often humorous style. He has worked with an ever growing number of community groups, like the Rotary and Lions clubs, as well as Businesses and Business Leaders. He has been a guest more than once on the ABC radio talking about personality, and has also appeared as a regular guest speaker on local community radio, as well as having featured in several local and state-wide media publications. 

Quote by Michael

“I believe the benefits of understanding the different values and core needs of our work colleagues, our young people and of our significant                     others  are immense. With this new and rich understanding we are able to communicate better and can appreciate other people’s points                  of view, laying the foundation for more harmonious relationships and better informed choices. What a thought!” 
