Dolphin’s tend to thrive in conflict-free, harmonious environments where their authentic, relaxed approach to people and tasks shines. Supportive surroundings are vital for Dolphins, be it in educational settings or the workplace, as these environments nurture their best work, shielded from negative influences. Known for their excellence in creative fields like art, writing, or acting, Dolphins are skilled at inspiring those around them. They are attuned to the emotional needs of others and often resonate with underdogs, even to the point of internalizing other people’s issues. Living by a strong moral compass, they value ethics over societal expectations. However, it’s important for them to learn not to take everything to heart.
For Dolphins, self-awareness and personal development can both be important steps towards discovering their place in the world. Because of this, Dolphin’s may spend a great deal of time ‘soul-searching’, or searching for their ‘authentic self’, trying to unravel the deeper mysteries of life and find their place in it. Dolphin’s are highly sensitive and have an innate dislike of unpleasantness of any kind, often going out of their way to avoid situations that might bring them into conflict with others and choosing to avoid potential disputes in favour of keeping the peace. Although in reality, what can often be left unexpressed for the Dolphins is their inner conflict or turmoil. Peace at all costs it seems, may not really be peace at all.

Dolphins thrive in a supportive setting and like to take a sensitive and caring approach to people and situations, unless under stress, which is when when they may act out of character and become critical, or even lash out. At such times, guidance or gentle feedback needs to be offered gently, encouraging them to explore their emotions and helping them to refocus their energy into more positive directions. Getting the young Dolphin’s to support an ethical cause on crowd-funding websites, or encouraging them to donate some of their pocket money to Greenpeace or other worthwhile organisations is a good example getting them to direct their energy in a more positive way. Dolphins of any age are idealists and will have an innate desire to make the world a better place.
At school, Dolphin students thrive when they have a teacher who is kind and compassionate, and will often struggle with teachers who are straight to the point or abrupt. In professional life, they will often choose the caring professions where they are able to provide support for others, and may be drawn to careers such as counselling or social work. As leaders, they do their best work when they can actively encourage and inspire others, identifying people’s innate strengths and positive qualities and encouraging them to do their best. If attention to the bottom line is the only objective of the organisation, Dolphins may struggle to find sufficient purpose or meaning in what they do, and as a consequence either get sad and/or depressed, or simply start looking elsewhere.
To discover more about what it means to be a Dolphin, download one of our 14 page professional reports. Available in 3 levels to suit all age groups.