Kangaroos are usually quite playful, friendly and fun, and seem to thrive on movement and variety. They will enjoy learning through direct personal experience, and the more realistic and interactive learning can be made the better. Just like their animal namesake though, they may have something of a tendency to ‘leap before they look’, a quality that occasionally gets them into trouble, but can also make them a lot of fun to be around.
Easily bored or disinterested in school or by routine, they have an acute dislike of too many rules and regulations or being forced to stay still for long periods of time. This restlessness may sometimes lead others to label them as hyperactive or even disruptive, names that are not only misleading, but can also cause problems by giving them a title to live up to.
Although usually more interested in starting projects than in finishing them, by allowing them greater flexibility towards their work they can become extremely creative as well as more responsible. According to the task and how they are allowed to approach it, others may see them as either the most difficult or the most resourceful of the types. Once people start to understand what makes the Kangaroo so different, they begin to realise that Kangaroos were born to take action, doing the things they most enjoy.

When working on a project Kangaroos prefer others not to interfere unless they have a good idea or have something of value to add, and if possible, they prefer to be physically involved in what they doing (making, building etc). They show their excitement rather than keeping it to themselves, and the more extroverted Kangaroo’s in particular tend enjoy a live audience. They benefit from being given greater freedom, both physical and emotional, with room for negotiation and individual expression, otherwise there absolutely exists the possibility for them to become unruly or rebellious, or both.
At school, the Kangaroo is the one most likely to be berated or punished for their inappropriate behaviour, and at times they are willing to do almost anything to relieve the boredom of a repetitive task or confining environment. They work hard for teachers they respect, but struggle with those who continuously enforce pointless rules they don’t understand. As adults, these people will often prefer occupations that include creativity, diversity, competition and challenge. They are also drawn to roles requiring adaptability, innovation or dealing with crisis situations. Reluctant leaders, they prefer to let everyone do their own thing, but occasionally when forced into leadership they are usually very tolerant of individual differences and accept others at face value.
To discover more about what it means to be a Kangaroo, download our 14-page professional report. Available in 3 levels to suit all age groups.